Thursday, December 20, 2007

Meet Etsy Jewelry Artist: Annilys

The talent behind Annilys is also a clinical massage therapist living in northern California, but it's her part-time antique dealing that sparked her Etsy career. She has been "enthralled with jewelry since childhood, (and) channels that creative drive into (her) handcrafted adorments." She's driven to unearth treasures on what she calls her "constant search for relics from the past." She also enjoys period films and finds herselff absorbed in the jewelry, costumes, and sets. "I pore over books of antique and ancient jewelry spanning back to the dawn of civilization, and I find them to be rich sources of inspiration and information," she admits. "I'm also inspired by avant garde high-fashion, as well as art, especially Art Nouveau and the Symbolists. Alphonse Mucha and Gustave Moreau are my heroes." Her love of their decadant Victorian style reflects in her ecclectic jewelry designs.

She is too passionate about her art to consider it a hobby. "I used to do this full-time for years, but that was before my little guy came along." Although her curious toddler limits her time in her home-based studio, she'd eventually like to devote more time to establishing her brand through Etsy and forge new bonds with other artisans. "Persistence is key," she advises. "Even if you don't have an abundance of time to invest in your shop, or it seems like the buyers aren't coming, don't give up. Have faith in yourself and your dream. Just keep believing!" Please check out her shop:

-Wendy Baylis

Dharma Designs

1 comment:

Dharma Designs said...

I am so in love with your work and photos! You do a great job merchandising your beautiful pieces! Best wishes! :-)