Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Meet Etsy Artist: Leatherpedia

Wayne Samples is the talented craftsman behind Etsy shop Leatherpedia. "I really enjoy hearing that people like my creations and enjoy using them," the Knoxville, TN resident admits. "Leathercraft is a hobby I have enjoyed for fifty years on and off." He likes traditional designs as well as creating his own. "I like to make things out of leather and that led me to make a leather rose." He took off from there, creating wallets and - most recently - portraits on leather. "I have been thinking about offering that on my Etsy site. Etsy gives me an outlet for my items as does shops around my area." He reccomends fellow sellers "give honest descriptions of your items and keep your quality high." Please check out his shop: http://leatherpedia.etsy.com/

-Wendy Baylis

Dharma Designs

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