Saturday, August 23, 2008

Meet Etsy Metalsmith and Jewelry Artist: WearableByDesign

Bay area artist Jennifer Smith-Righter is a jewelry designer, who formally trained in Art and Architecture. She primarily works in Fine Silver, Sterling Silver, and Gemstones to create her modern pieces. "I have a strong desire to work in an ethically responsible way," she says. "I use reclaimed silver and lab manufactured stones or stones whose provenance I know well, so that to the degree I can, I am not supporting mining operations or human suffering." Not surprisingly, she is influenced by organic beauty. "I like to 'build' my jewelry and tend to conceive of them in components that are pieced together." She has been building her creations for six years now, but acknowledges that Etsy has helped her grow as an artist. "I love the forums because I can freely share my knowledge and experience with others - and I learn a great deal, too." She recommends her fellow artists be critical about their own work. "Try to separate your emotions and passions about what you do from the product. Don’t make a commodity, make art." Please check out her shop:

-Wendy Baylis
Dharma Designs

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