Sunday, August 24, 2008

Meet Etsy Jewelry Artist: Damselle

27 year old artist Melanie Crowe "started Damselle Jewelry after losing (her) well-paying job due the changing economic climate." She explains, "In the midst of the panic, I realized I hadn't been living life on my terms, and my husband and I decided to take more risks in order to do what we love." With a lot of hard work Damselle is now her full time job. "I tend to try to allow myself to be inspired by my materials rather than the other way around. I choose something I find to be beautiful and then design around that material." Often her designs have a dash of vintage elegance. "When I see something very old and very well made, I think, "how amazing that someone cherished this enough to keep it around and care for it, so that future generations can enjoy it.'" Her style was recently described as "Anthropologie meets Ladies who Lunch," and she admits that she likes that description. When creating her pieces she likes to "imagine (her) customer as a beautiful, unusual, and highly intelligent woman, who gets things done." She hopes to use Etsy to bring her closer to the things she cares about and to make a positive impact. "I'd like to get to the point where my husband is able to work less and we can spend more time together and more time on causes that are important to us," she says. "The road to success is different for everyone, and sometimes the road isn't what you expect it to be." Please check out her shop:

-Wendy Baylis
Dharma Designs

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