Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Meet Etsy Metalsmith & Artist: ImperialEnamelArt

Laura Zell, the amazing talent behind Imperial Enamel Art, is a graduate of the University of Kansas. She earned her degree in Visual Arts Education, specializing in Metalsmithing. "I knew I wanted to pursue art as a career when my work 'Peace Like a Dove' was sold to the Imperial War Museum in London," she admits. Laura finds inspiration in artists Mary Kline and Misol & Julie Heffernan. "While I do not paint, I admire their unique use of subject placement, story and color; elements I hope to incorporate into future works," she explains. Many of her designs display Christian imagery or elements of Art Nouveau style. "Most recently I am researching the enameling technique pliqué a jour and using inspiration from classical stained glass windows to create ethereal jewelry designs." While she has been metalsmithing since high school, Etsy is "more of a hobby that (she) would like to realize as a career." She recommends fellow Etsy artists never under price their work. "I've noticed that a lot of people charge very little for the products of their hard work, and I don't see how a person can make a decent profit. I've worked hard to come up with a fair price for the work I do and I would encourage others to have the courage to ask for fair prices as well." Please check out her shop: http://imperialenamelart.etsy.com/

-Wendy Baylis
Dharma Designs


industrialpoppy said...

Hi Wendy, thanks for featuring me as one of your "etsy artists of note". I was truly honored-your blog is fantastic!

yellowfish said...

wow, that pendant is gorgeous!!!

on another note, I've been blog-tagged, and I read your blog, so I'm tagging you now!
