Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mumbai: In ugliness there is beauty...

Having just returned from India a week ago I was saddened to hear of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. My heart is broken knowing so many innocent Indians and foreign tourists were hurt or killed in the 60 hour siege. In my recent travels I met many wonderful Indian people who were generous and welcoming - and supportive of the US. In the wake of this tragedy I hope the entire world comes together in peace and healing and forges an understanding and acceptance of all cultures and faiths. This Reuters photo brought me to tears in the wake of this tragic event - and I think it is important people remember that not all Muslims are extremists or terrorists. With more people like this beautiful child we WILL persevere in world peace. What ever the religion of the victims, I hope their God/s or Goddess/es bless them and carry their souls to their hearts. Join me in working for world peace - and please put it into effect through tolerance, acceptance, and love. Best wishes...

-Wendy Baylis


Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy,
It is important that we not only care but we also talk about it (which I don't do, but you do). We can change the world only if we understand and accept each other. Thanks, Izabela
PS. Also thanks for having interest in my work. I am about to post a new Obama table: my way I expressing joy on Nov.11th.

Dharma Designs said...

Thanks Izabela! I hope that someday we can all get along and allow eachother our own beliefs and cultures. :-)