Saturday, December 1, 2007

Meet Etsy Clay Artist: ArtsyClay

Illinois native ArtsyClay relocated to North Carolina in 1979. She earned a degree in journalism and, besides Etsy, works as a professional writer and photographer - and choir director at her church. She is also married with four sons and six grandchildren.

ArtsyClay's polymer creations are eclectic and whimsical. She has a wide range of products available from jewelry to ornaments. "I try to strike a happy balance between making designs that sell well and coming up with new designs to keep life exciting." She grew up crafting with her mother and cousins, which led to persuits in drawing, stained glass, handmade paper, rubber stamping, greeting cards, and candle making. It wasn't until 1997 that she discovered polymer clay. "I love the endless possibilities of color, texture, layers and embellishments, and the constantly evolving techniques that I can learn from books or on the internet."

Although Etsy is a "fairly serious hobby," ArtsyClay has been featured in several galleries and continues to do local craft shows. Her goal is to "brighten the world with (her) imagination and love that goes into each piece (she) creates, and to treat each customer as a friend."

"Love what you do," she advises. "Always do your best. Treat your customers as you would like to be treated. When you’re tired or burned out, take a break and do something nourishing for your soul." Good advice! Please check out her shop:

-Wendy Baylis

Dharma Designs

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